
Showing posts from November, 2018

Going... To Be Parents!

It's been a few months since we have written here. Lately we haven't "gone" on many adventures, because God gave us a new adventure to start. And this adventure kept me on the couch for a few weeks at the end of summer. I'm feeling in a reflective mood today, so please allow some thinking/processing/remembering here. Also, a little disclaimer. Everyone's story is different. Some people have it "better" and some much, much "worse". If you really look, your life is somewhere in the middle. Mine is too. Please hear me when I tell you that my story is not the most anything. But it has meant something to me. My heart has wanted babies since I was barely older than a baby myself. My childhood and adolescent journals are filled with lists of the names of my future children, when they would be born, what activities they would participate in, and all kinda of other really extra details. Never mind that I had no idea who my husband would be, what